Sunday, January 20, 2019

Celebrate Success!

We have been busy in 1st grade in the New Year!  The New Year provides a great opportunity to stop and reflect on our learning throughout the year.  Students participated in several winter assessments over the past couple of weeks.  The growth that I see is amazing for all students!  It is so fun to see the students shine! 

Our room is full of safe, respectful and responsible Raiders!  We have been working hard in 1st grade and have already recognized three Raiders of the Week.  Additionally, we had a blast at our Raider Reward Celebration.  Who doesn't love Ice Cream Sundaes on a freezing day!  Perhaps that was poor planning on my part!  Oh well, they still had fun!

On Friday a letter about the 100th Day of School came home with your child.  The 100th Day of School is extra exciting in 1st grade with lots of fun events and activities all focused around the number 100.  Each student should bring 100 of one item to school for our class trail mix.  Ideas include crackers, mini-cookies, candy, cereal, etc.  Be creative!  The students will all add 10 different items to their personal trail mix!  There are a few items I am looking for as well to make the event successful.  If you are able to donate an item, please return the bottom portion of the letter and I will notify you of the item requested.  

Related imageReading Medalist began this month in 1st grade!  If you have an older child at Washington, you have experienced this fun and motivating event.  Please help your child read and record as many books as possible on the reading logs.  Once a log is full, have your child return it to school to get a prize.  Winter is a great time to read with the temperatures being frigid!  Remember, our goal is that all 1st graders read a minimum of 50 books.  The program runs for just over three months, so reading one book per day will meet this goal!

Star Student

We had our first Star Student of the New Year this past week.  Jackson not only served as my assistant but he also celebrated a 1/2 Birthday!  Jackson is always up for a sports conversation in class!  He has has shown himself to be a leader in the classroom.  

A Peek at Our Week

Reading: Students have been digging deeper into their knowledge of verbs.  This week we learned about verb tenses.  Students were also introduced to Magic e.  We used our Magic e wand to change words with short vowels to new words with long vowels.  

Math: We just wrapped up our unit on graphing in 1st grade.  This week we will begin learning about time and money.  This is one of the most challenging units in 1st grade.  Students will learn to tell time to the hour and 1/2 hour.  Additionally, we will learn to identify coins and add with pennies and dimes.  Dump out your change containers and practice counting coins with your 1st grader!

Science: We have been busy learning about the Earth in science.  Last week we learned about the water cycle and practiced making our own precipitation.  This week we will learn about the cycle of seasons.

Writing: In writing students are learning how to craft an opinion.  Last week students learned how to plan their writing by generating an opinion and supporting details.  This week we will work on introductory and closing statements.

Upcoming Reminders:

January 21: No School
January 31: 100th Day of School
February 11-14: Students may bring Valentines to School.
February 14: Valentine's Day Breakfast