Thursday, February 4, 2016

100th Day

Hip Hip Hooray for the 100th Day of 1st Grade!  We had an awesome day full of fun.  I am exhausted, so I know it was a successful day!  Some comments were: "Best day ever!" and "Epic!" which made me smile!  As the students walked out, one reminded them that "Today was fun, but it is back to work tomorrow!"  I took lots of photos and was able to grab a cute photo to put in their memory book for each of them.  Enjoy the video of our fun by clicking below!
100th Day

We will have a small Valentine's Day Party on Friday, February 12.  Students can bring Valentine's for their classmates beginning on Monday.  We will be making Valentine's for loved ones with our 4th Grade buddies next week as well!

We are just over a month into our Reading Trophy Program and still have a few students who have not began.  Please help your child record the books he or she reads at home.  Guided reading books as well as books from the library count towards their goal of 50 books by the end of April.

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, February 7 : Field trip to Ben Franklin for Emperor's New Clothes  (leaving promptly at 9:00 a.m.)
Tuesday, February 9: Book Order's Due (stock up on books to read for Reading Trophy)
Friday, February 12: Valentine's Party
Monday, February 15: No School - President's Day 

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