Sunday, February 5, 2017

100th Day, Kindness Week & More!

Wow!  It has been a whirlwind of a week!  We had a blast celebrating the 100th Day of School in 1st Grade.  Students participated in various stations that all revolved around the number 100.  We counted by 1's, 5's, and 10's and used our grouping strategies to make 10.  We had so much fun celebrating together!  If you haven't yet done so, check out the photos from our day in this short video!  My favorite day was once again a success!

Kindness week and Valentine's Day are just around the corner!  This year's theme is all about using superpowers to spread kindness around Washington.  Students will be introduced to the week tomorrow morning at an all school assembly.  Students are encouraged to wear silly socks tomorrow to celebrate the day!  Other events will take place during the week and I will send reminders as needed.

Our class will celebrate Valentine's Day on Tuesday, February 14.  A letter came home last Friday with our class list.  Students may bring a Valentine and small treat/toy to share with their classmates.  If you are unable to get Valentines, please let me know so I can provide your child with some.  Don't forget the special teachers in our building, especially Mrs. Hartje and Mrs. Lovelace, the wonderful paraprofessionals that work in our classroom each day.

Conference schedule forms will come home tomorrow.  It is hard to believe we will meet for the second and final time in just a few weeks!  I'm so excited to show you all of the progress your child has made!  If your time does not work, please let me know!  I am happy to schedule an alternative time.

The Reading Medalist Program continues this month.  I am so impressed with all of the reading that has already taken place.  If you are having trouble finding books at your child's level, send me a note and I'll bag up several for your child to read at home!

Over the course of the past couple of weeks, we celebrated some birthdays!  Happy Birthday Emily and Gabrielle.  Happy 1/2 Birthday Anthony!

Meet Saad

Have you met Saad yet?  Saad is a great kiddo in our classroom.  He amazes me everyday in his knowledge, especially in the four languages that he speaks (WOW!).  He loves sports and his brother and sister.  Saad has big aspirations to become an engineer someday.  Keep dreaming big Saad!  You can do anything you believe!

Saad leads calendar math.

Meet Ethan
We learned more about Ethan this past week, too!  Ethan is special because he has a twin sister, Emma, who is in Mrs. Elkins' class.  Ethan is quite the hockey player and loves showing off his big muscles in class!  He makes everyone smile and laugh with his charming personality.  Ethan's personality shines big in 1st grade!

Ethan leading show and tell!

January came to a close and we also honored Leah as the Star Student for the month.  Leah was praised with entering 1st grade daily with a smile on her face, ready to learn.  Way to go, Leah!

A Peek at Our Week

Writing: Students are working hard to wrap up our How to Writing unit.  We are using the Seesaw App to record the students reading their stories.  The recordings will be on display at conferences.  Bring a device with a QR reader to hear your child read their story!

Reading: Students are being introduced to more complex spelling patterns and verbs in reading.  This week we will learn about the verb, to be (is, are, was and were) as well as silent digraphs like gn, kn, and gh.

Math: Students will participate in several math assessments to prepare for report cards.  Following this, we will begin our next unit in math on addition and subtraction to 20.

Science: We will finish our study of matter in science this week.  Students will be challenged to change a solid (ice) to a liquid.  Did you hear about our gas experiment?  We went outside and used antacids to create gas in a bag.  

Upcoming Reminders:
February 6: Crazy Sock Day (Kindness Week)
February 8: Junior Achievement Begins (VCSU Students Lead)
February 9: Washington Spirit Day
February 10: Cozy and Comfy Day & Book Orders Due
February 14: Valentine's Day Exchange

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