Monday, October 31, 2016

Pumpkin Science

As we wrapped up our study of living and non-living things in science, we transitioned into a supplemental unit on pumpkins.  Through rich literacy and hands on experiences, students explored all aspects of the pumpkin.  This year in particular, we were able to link language arts to science as students have recently learned about describing words, or adjectives, and so we were busy using these words to describe the inside and outside of our pumpkin.

For some reason (the busyness of teaching 21, 1st graders or old age) I keep forgetting to take photos.  I only snapped a couple during pumpkin science but am hoping your 1st grader was able to share more details with you in your dinnertime conversations about school.  I hope your little one shares more about his or her day than my own!
Here students worked to count the seeds inside of our pumpkin.  Counting them by 10's proved to be the best method.

We had 777 seeds in our pumpkin!

I want to send a HUGE thank you out to everyone that has helped fund our class parties.  We will have our first, today!  Classroom parties are memorable experiences for our students, especially in 1st grade.  Thank you to Mrs. Dickinson for helping to organize the funds and purchase the materials.  What a great idea!

Conference notices will come home this week.  A conference questionnaire will accompany your notice.  Please complete both and return them to school as soon as possible.  Please note, if your conference time does not work, I would be happy to reschedule before school or on an alternate day.  Please do not hesitate to ask!

Meet Anthony

Anthony leads calendar.  He took this job very seriously!
Have you had the chance to meet Anthony yet?  Though I may call him Eric (his big brother) on occasion, he is definitely someone to not forget!  Anthony loves sports, drawing and friends.  He can draw some amazing, detailed vehicles!  Anthony can often be seen outside playing wall-ball with friends, never leaving anyone out of the game!  He is so kind and caring towards his peers and always encourages others.  I'm so glad you are part of our classroom this year!

A Peek at our Week

Reading: Our students just wrapped up the first unit in reading.  The great thing about our curriculum is that it will now begin spiraling through many of those concepts and skills to allow for reteaching and more application.  This week we are reading a fable, similar to The Boy Who Cried Wolf and learning to identify the author's focus.  Many students have already made connections to the story from prior experiences.  In vocabulary the students have been busy discovering new "Fancy" words in our literature.  Some of our new words include famished, plenty, figure, and scan.  Students will be learning about r-blends and final double consonants and ck in phonics this week.  

Math: In math our learning is all about addition and subtraction.  Students learned the new words sum and difference and can relate them to numeral stories.  This week students will participate in the "Egg Test" to learn about iPad safety and care.  Students will care for an egg for an entire day and in the end, gain privileges to use the iPads for math practice.  Ask your child about the Egg test on Tuesday!

Writing: In writing we are still working on our personal narrative stories.  Students have been introduced to the "Revising and Editing Table" as a place where they work with a peer to improve their story.  Our focus this week will be all about details.  Students will learn to add details to show their characters actions and words through the use of speech bubbles.  I can't wait to show you the writing progress at our upcoming conferences.

Character Champion: We yet again celebrated greatness in our classroom!  This month's Character Champion is Iris.  She is such an exceptional leader in our classroom.  She shows initiative completing her work and is always available to lend an extra hand!  Way to go, Iris!

Upcoming Reminders:

November 7: Field Trip to Creative Art Studio
November 10: Book Order Due
November 11: No School
November 15, 17, 21: Parent Teacher Conferences

Sunday, October 23, 2016

A field trip & Celebration!

Good Evening! I just wanted to upload a couple of photos that were taken last week.  We ventured to MSUM to attend Poco Fuego, a steel drum show.  The students enjoyed the musical performance, and as usual, the Washington 1st graders behaved exceptionally.  In fact, just as we were about to depart from the bus back to school, the bus driver stopped all three classes and said "In all the years I have driven 1st graders, you are the best behaved students I have ever had on my bus!"  Mrs. Volrath, Mrs, Elkins and I must have beamed with pride!  We are so lucky!

This week we also got in the Halloween spirit.  We painted a special buddy in class!  We made our own Frankenbuddies!  I spent some time over the break hanging up these adorable paintings in our classroom!  Stop in and see them soon as they are unique and adorable!

Finally, we wrapped up the weekend with our first celebration!  The students wore PJ's and brought games to share.  They spent the last 45 minutes of the day playing!  While they were playing I observed sharing, reading, counting, teamwork, and much more!  Never underestimate the power of a classic board game!

That's all for now!  This week will be fun as we explore everything PUMPKIN in science!  I'll upload more photos and be sure to share the fun!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

First Grade Fun!

My realistic goal is to blog on a bi-weekly basis.  I just can't always find enough time in the week, but when you are having fun in first grade, I find myself making time.  Today that time is made while I snuggle up with my four year old who doesn't want to take a nap, so we are settling with a movie and a little down time!  I hope you are having a nice weekend as well!

We were busy this week in first grade having a lot of fun.  Mr. Carlson finished his character education lessons with our class.  Perhaps he says this to all of the classes, but he praised the students for their excellent behavior and attention during his lessons.  They were great listeners and learners!

Meet Finn

Finn is the next student we are shining the spotlight on in first grade.  He is a great kiddo, full of energy, jokes, and a love of life!  Finn wants to be an archaeologist when he grows up and loves animals and dinosaurs!  When Finn isn't busy reading about animals and dinosaurs, he keeps busy helping his little brother and does really cool crafts!  Check out Finn completing one of his daily duties of snack helper below!

A Peek at Our Week

Reading: We spent time this week learning about multiple meaning words.  What's the difference between tag (price) and tag (the game) or bat (baseball) and bat (animal).  Using context clues to support the meaning, students worked to determine the appropriate word.  We also used shaving cream to spice up our handwriting.  It is always fun to get messy while learning!  Check out Bo, Pyper and Trevor below.

Math: In math students were introduced to Daily 5 Math.  You have heard about Daily 5 Reading, and now we transfer this model to math.  Students were introduced to Math with Self and we began building stamina.  Even though we have only made it to 2 minutes, I am still proud of these firsties! They are excited to practice more next week.  Below are just a couple of the choices they have to build math stamina!

 Science: We just wrapped up our learning about living and non-living things with a study of habitats.  The first graders learned about four key habitats: arctic, desert, forest, and ocean, and created a diorama of their habitat of choice.  They added specific animals found in this habitat to their diorama, and they turned out great!



Silly First Graders!

Upcoming Reminders

October 17: Field Trip to MSUM Poco Fuego
October 20-21: No School

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Brrr! It is Getting Cool Outside!

Wow!  The weather is definitely changing to fall.  I think I am a little in denial, still wearing sandals, but the mornings are officially freezing!  Please make sure your firstie brings a jacket and hat to school.  Even if they don't need it, they will have it just in case!

We had another fun week in 1st grade.  We began guided reading groups, and the students are so excited to meet with me!  I am sure the novelty will wear off, but for now, I am all smiles as we learn together!  Guided reading books will come home after a 2 day lesson, so expect a couple of books a week.  I always encourage students to read the books to an adult or even older sibling within a night or two. Please initial the enclosed slip and record any notes or questions you may have.  Many of the books that I will send home are from our new reading series, so these first graders are getting their hands on brand new books!  Please help them take care the of the books.

Meet Jocelynn

This week we had the privilege of learning more about Jocelynn.  If you haven't met her yet, she is all smiles and can always put you in a good mood!  Jocelynn loves to spend time with her family, including her Papa, who is pretty special to her.  She loves to sing and dance, and even brought a Frozen microphone on her show and tell day!  We love having Joce in our class!

It was also Skyler's big day!  Happy Birthday Skyler!  Thanks for the yummy treats!

A Peek at Our Week

Reading: In reading we are working hard to compare two like texts of different genres.  This week we read Curious George Goes to School as well as Schools Long Ago.  While the topic may have been the same, the content was different.  We learned about text features including photographs and labels.  We also discussed author's word choice.  We learned that sometimes authors use phrases like "You bet it is!" instead of simply saying yes.

Math: In math we are working hard to make combinations of 10.  Ask your 1st graders about Mrs. Sterling's apple box issues!  I explained how I went to Hornbachers looking for a mixed apple box for my two boys (who like red and green apples) and the boxes always had only red or green apples!  I put them to work to solve this problem making apple box combinations.  There were several huge "A-ha!" moments which was awesome!
Anabelle and Saad make combinations with unifix cubes.
Gabrielle and Anthony begin to record combinations.
Emily shares her writing.
Writing: We wrapped up our first writing unit this week.  This unit simply launched the writing process and got the students writing.  I was able to quickly observe their current understanding of the writing process so I know where to go in future units.  Their learning, however, was amazing!  From learning to extend their writing, add details, revise, edit and publish, the work was great!  I'll save the published pieces for conferences, but some of their other work came home on Friday for you to see.  
Iris shares her story with Mrs. Hartje and students.
Sam shares his story.

Upcoming Reminders

October 14: Book Order's Due
October 17: Field Trip to MSUM's Poco Fuego
October 19: Learn Not To Burn Fire Fighter Visit
October 20-21: No School