Sunday, October 16, 2016

First Grade Fun!

My realistic goal is to blog on a bi-weekly basis.  I just can't always find enough time in the week, but when you are having fun in first grade, I find myself making time.  Today that time is made while I snuggle up with my four year old who doesn't want to take a nap, so we are settling with a movie and a little down time!  I hope you are having a nice weekend as well!

We were busy this week in first grade having a lot of fun.  Mr. Carlson finished his character education lessons with our class.  Perhaps he says this to all of the classes, but he praised the students for their excellent behavior and attention during his lessons.  They were great listeners and learners!

Meet Finn

Finn is the next student we are shining the spotlight on in first grade.  He is a great kiddo, full of energy, jokes, and a love of life!  Finn wants to be an archaeologist when he grows up and loves animals and dinosaurs!  When Finn isn't busy reading about animals and dinosaurs, he keeps busy helping his little brother and does really cool crafts!  Check out Finn completing one of his daily duties of snack helper below!

A Peek at Our Week

Reading: We spent time this week learning about multiple meaning words.  What's the difference between tag (price) and tag (the game) or bat (baseball) and bat (animal).  Using context clues to support the meaning, students worked to determine the appropriate word.  We also used shaving cream to spice up our handwriting.  It is always fun to get messy while learning!  Check out Bo, Pyper and Trevor below.

Math: In math students were introduced to Daily 5 Math.  You have heard about Daily 5 Reading, and now we transfer this model to math.  Students were introduced to Math with Self and we began building stamina.  Even though we have only made it to 2 minutes, I am still proud of these firsties! They are excited to practice more next week.  Below are just a couple of the choices they have to build math stamina!

 Science: We just wrapped up our learning about living and non-living things with a study of habitats.  The first graders learned about four key habitats: arctic, desert, forest, and ocean, and created a diorama of their habitat of choice.  They added specific animals found in this habitat to their diorama, and they turned out great!



Silly First Graders!

Upcoming Reminders

October 17: Field Trip to MSUM Poco Fuego
October 20-21: No School

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