Speaking of readers...The Reading Medalist Program is this Friday, May 18, at 1:15. I'll warn you now, it will be a full house, so come early to get a good spot! The program will run until about 2:00 with a reception of cookies and punch in the lunchroom. Following this, families can join students to our classroom to collect their art portfolio. We have been saving all of our 1st grade art work for this big event and can't wait to share it with you. We also will have a special published writing piece ready for your keepsake boxes at home. You will be amazed with their work!
Students have been working very hard through extensive end of year assessments. I am so proud of their hard work. As I share with the students, remember that each assessment is a small snippet of their learning. These assessments do not define the students. Know that we all have good testing days and bad, but what is most important is that we never give up and work hard. Several of these assessments will come home for your reference. Feel free to review the assessments with your students.
We will begin to clean out our lockers and desks this week. Most materials will be sent home prior to Camp Week. While you are at Washington, stop by your child's locker and collect any snow pants, boots and sweatshirts that may still be inside.
A huge shout out to Mrs. Cain and Mrs. Kiser for organizing another Science Museum visit! This year students learned more about states of matter and the water cycle. This was perfect since we have recently worked on this in science!
The Fargo Fire Department joined us for our final Learn Not to Burn lesson last week. Students were able to see the Fire Truck up close, learning more about the tools used to save lives. Don't forget to review exit procedures with your children at home.
We celebrated a birthday last week in 1st Grade. Happy Birthday, Ashtyn!
Upcoming Reminders
May 14: No School
May 16: Reading Medalist Pizza Party! Students will be served 2 slices of pizza. Milk can be purchased from the cafeteria. Please send a side and drink, if desired.
May 18: Reading Medalist Program and Music Performance (1:15-End of the Day)
May 18: Camp Donations Due
May 21-25: Camp Learned-A-Lot - Please send rocks, sleeping bags, and flashlights to school.
May 28: No School - Memorial Day
May 29: Field Trip to Elephant Park for Lunch (Bring a sack lunch, snack, water bottle, and sunscreen)
May 30: Field Trip Red River Lanes (Wear red camp shirt)
May 31: Field Day (Bring sunscreen and dress appropriately for active play)
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