Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bowling Fun

We started the morning with our summer readers theater performances.  Students were grouped with their classmates to perform short plays for the class.  After only practicing for a couple of days, the students performed with ease.  Just another opportunity to practice this speaking and listening skills in 1st grade!
Isaac, Aiden and Preston Perform
Nico and Connor Perform
We had an awesome time at Red River Lanes this afternoon!  I'll admit, I was a bit worried about the walk.  Thankfully, the temperature was perfect and the route was planned, so we were ready!  The students walked without complaining, singing their camp songs along the way.  I'm sure it was a sight to see with six teachers along for the trip, carefully sandwiched between the three classes.  We arrived at the bowling alley and the students quickly grabbed their shoes and found their lanes.  The great employees of the Red River Lanes had pre-programmed all students into the groups we had assigned.  It was slick!  With a dark alley, lights shining and music playing, we were off!  We had a great time.  There wasn't any complaining and lots of laughter.  What a great end of the year trip!
Look at those cute bowlers!
Bowling skills!

Chace and Sonja having fun!
Team 1st Grade had a great time bowling (even the teachers)!
Smiles all around!
Silly Faces!
Tomorrow will be busy as we wrap up a great year!  Students will finish cleaning their desks and lockers out, attend the final Character Champion Assembly, receive their 1st grade awards, and participate in field day (I am hopeful for good weather!).  It is sure to be a day full of smiles and fun!  Don't forget to send your child in comfortable clothing and shoes.  Sunscreen and a water bottle are encouraged.  

Congratulate your soon to be 2nd grader on a great year tomorrow morning when they wake up!  It has been an absolute pleasure to work with your students this year!

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