Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Big Day Has Come!

Can you believe it?  It seems just like yesterday that we were sending home information about the Reading Trophy program, and now the program is just around the corner (tomorrow)!  We have been busy practicing with Mr. Underwood all week and will spend some time practicing the logistics of the program tomorrow morning.  Bring your cameras and be ready to smile tomorrow as these students have worked hard and are so excited for the big day!  See you all tomorrow at 1:15.

Last week in honor of meeting our goal for the trophy program, we had a pizza party.  I joined the students at their desks as we ate pizza.  I think they thought it was so funny to see me sitting at a desk with them, eating lunch!  We had fun visiting and I always love hearing about their lives on a more personal level.

I want to send out a HUGE thank you to all of the families that have donated items for camp.  From toilet paper tubes to bird seed, the items are greatly appreciated.  The shirts were delivered today and I will be busy decorating the classroom over the weekend.  My goal, make our little room look like a traditional campsite!  I know we will have excited campers next week!  Please note, we will keep the shirts at school all week unless there is a major spill.  We may also ask our 1st graders to wear their camp shirts the final week of school when we go on our field trips.  Bright blue shirts make 1st graders easy to see!  Watch for LOTS of photos next week.  My plan is to simply post photos (without a narrative) so you can see what our week looks like.

Today we celebrated Coby's birthday!  He was kind enough to give me a yellow cupcake, since he knows yellow is my favorite color!  Happy Birthday, Coby!

Upcoming Reminders:

May 13: Reading Trophy Program at 1:15
May 16-20: Camp Learned-A-Lot Week
May 20: Learn Not to Burn Firetruck Visit

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